My Eyes 

Both of my children ended up with my eyes, dark brown and expressive. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and for me that is the truth. My eyes will give me away every single time. They can hide nothing, much to my chagrin! I like them though, they are one of my best features. And I LOVE watching them in my children’s faces. I love the sparkle when they are happy, the flash when they are upset and the intensity when they are focused. They are my little mirrors. 

I watched the Jason Momoa’s short film “The Canvas of My Life” by Carhartt Handmade Films. It’s less than 15 minutes long and extremely moving. He explains hismself, his history, his family and his hopes for the future so concisely and poignantly within that time that I was speechless. He speaks of his mother and how she gave him her eyes, meaning her outlook on things and introduced him to things that shaped him throughout his life. That one line stuck out to me so much. 

As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been delving more into the things that bring me happiness and fulfillment. I’ve also been sharing these with my kids. They’ve bloomed under this and we’ve enjoyed it so much. I’ve gotten a few snide comments that I’m pushing it on them or should let them find their own way. I did wonder for a minute about it too. Is this just me? Do they really love this as much as I do? Are they just doing this to make me happy? I want THEM to be happy! Lol. That one line in this little video was confirmation for me. It’s ok to share things I love with them. To impart the things I’m passionate about to them, is a   GOOD thing. Kids will pick up and disregard what they want to, just as we did with our parents. But if it isn’t offered, then it’s not even a choice for them. Those things will be unavailable for them to pick through. 

So I’m gonna forge ahead and give it my all… give THEM my all. All of me, my like and dislikes and fires and passions and let them sort it out… sometimes I hold back. I temper myself. And yet I know they are watching. Right now especially, this  an intense time in our lives. I am so super focused. And I try to shield them from that but they need to see some of that too. I go hard. Whether it’s love or business or a video game. I try! I give it my all. No regrets… I won’t be ashamed to pass that on to them. 

There’s a song out by Old Dominion called, “like there’s no such things as a broken heart.” I love it. These lyrics are so spot on for what I want for them. 

“When the whole world is down on its luck

I gotta make sure they keep their chin up

Cry when it hurts, laugh when it’s funny

Chase after the dream, don’t chase after the money

And know we got each other

That’s what’s up

Cause you can’t keep the ground from shaking

No matter how hard you try

You can’t keep the sunsets from fading

You gotta treat your life like you’re jumping off a rope swing

Baby cause the whole thing’s really just a shot in the dark

You gotta love like there’s no such thing as a broken heart”

I want them to LIVE their lives, be brave. I want them to think I’m brave too. 🙂 I’ll leave you with a little quote from Jason Momoa’s video: 

“I want to give them my eyes. They will know art. They’ll paint. They’ll sculpt. They’ll understand light and darkness and composition. They’ll find their soul… and that’s where the music lies. 

I’ll teach them to play; because if they can play, they can sing. If they can sing, they can dance. And when you dance, you celebrate. It is all connected. These lessons will teach them expression of self. 

And if I build it I can teach them hard work, dedication, integrity, a moral code” 

I highly recommend you check it out! 

All my love, 


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