Bathroom Sink

I changed my life in 2017. I was spiraling tbh. I crash landed in January and decided to stop complaining and blaming and start to correct things I was in control of and that I could personally control. I began to hold myself accountable. And lo and behold not only did my life change but… Continue reading Bathroom Sink

Joker: Put On A Smile

Heavy is the head that wears the crown and no one shows us that like Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. There will be spoilers here so if you have NOT seen the movie go ahead and save this read for after you have! The movie opens on Arthur Fleck, the Joker’s given name in this… Continue reading Joker: Put On A Smile

Dark Sharp Girls 1: Discreet Malice

Celebrated author, Gillian Flynn, has given me some of the greatest reads and subsequently some of the greatest watches of my life. As an avid reader, that is saying A LOT….. David Fincher said something to the effect of “she’s that 13yo girl watching a movie with a bucket of popcorn. She writes like an audience… Continue reading Dark Sharp Girls 1: Discreet Malice

What’s Love Got to Do With It? Part 1

Love is the biggest reason of all. It’s also the biggest cliché of all… those three words can be the purest form of expression or the biggest excuse in the world. Love can blind us or set us free, it can shackle us to our past or push us into a new life. But in… Continue reading What’s Love Got to Do With It? Part 1

An Amazonian Dress Code?

Justice League was released two weeks ago. One of the first complaints I saw about it was the costumes of the Amazons. This bugged me to no end. The complaint was that they were less covered in JL vs Wonder Woman. The main difference here? a male vision vs a female vision. Now these people… Continue reading An Amazonian Dress Code?