Joker: Put On A Smile

Heavy is the head that wears the crown and no one shows us that like Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. There will be spoilers here so if you have NOT seen the movie go ahead and save this read for after you have! The movie opens on Arthur Fleck, the Joker’s given name in this… Continue reading Joker: Put On A Smile

My Eyes 

Both of my children ended up with my eyes, dark brown and expressive. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and for me that is the truth. My eyes will give me away every single time. They can hide nothing, much to my chagrin! I like them though, they are one of… Continue reading My Eyes 

Apple Cider Vinegar: A Tonic for All That Ails Ya!

I LOVE ACV!! I can’t say it enough. I feel like this could be in so many categories, that as I write this I still haven’t decided on where to place it! It could easily be in Cleaning, Health & Beauty, Money Savers, Listen to Mama, Homeopathic remedy, Weight Loss or Product Review, because I personally swear by Braggs.… Continue reading Apple Cider Vinegar: A Tonic for All That Ails Ya!