What’s Love Got to Do with It? Part 2

In the first part of series, Love’s role in relationships was discussed. I do believe it’s an integral part but it’s not ALL. In this part I’d like to discuss Love’s role in work. Because believe it or not, it does play a part. Be it positive or negative, our motivation for doing things is… Continue reading What’s Love Got to Do with It? Part 2

An Amazonian Dress Code?

Justice League was released two weeks ago. One of the first complaints I saw about it was the costumes of the Amazons. This bugged me to no end. The complaint was that they were less covered in JL vs Wonder Woman. The main difference here? a male vision vs a female vision. Now these people… Continue reading An Amazonian Dress Code?

My Eyes 

Both of my children ended up with my eyes, dark brown and expressive. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and for me that is the truth. My eyes will give me away every single time. They can hide nothing, much to my chagrin! I like them though, they are one of… Continue reading My Eyes