Joker: Put On A Smile

Heavy is the head that wears the crown and no one shows us that like Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker. There will be spoilers here so if you have NOT seen the movie go ahead and save this read for after you have! The movie opens on Arthur Fleck, the Joker’s given name in this… Continue reading Joker: Put On A Smile

An Amazonian Dress Code?

Justice League was released two weeks ago. One of the first complaints I saw about it was the costumes of the Amazons. This bugged me to no end. The complaint was that they were less covered in JL vs Wonder Woman. The main difference here? a male vision vs a female vision. Now these people… Continue reading An Amazonian Dress Code?

Surrender To The Music

Everyone can dance. Not everyone can dance well, mind you, but everyone can dance! 😉 My earliest memory of dancing is twirling in my parent’s kitchen. Whether by myself or swept in my dad’s arms, or holding on tight to mama’s hands; I remember the joy of the dance. My big sister is a crazy… Continue reading Surrender To The Music