What’s Love Got to Do with It? Part 2

In the first part of series, Love’s role in relationships was discussed. I do believe it’s an integral part but it’s not ALL. In this part I’d like to discuss Love’s role in work. Because believe it or not, it does play a part. Be it positive or negative, our motivation for doing things is… Continue reading What’s Love Got to Do with It? Part 2

What’s Love Got to Do With It? Part 1

Love is the biggest reason of all. It’s also the biggest cliché of all… those three words can be the purest form of expression or the biggest excuse in the world. Love can blind us or set us free, it can shackle us to our past or push us into a new life. But in… Continue reading What’s Love Got to Do With It? Part 1

Meme Culture: easy entertainment & dangerous influence. 

Memes… they have become our go to form of entertainment. They’re free, prevalent, creative, varied, and readily available on almost every social media app. With an image and a few lines of text at most an entire message is conveyed. You can see Kermit the frog in a black cloak or with a tea cup,… Continue reading Meme Culture: easy entertainment & dangerous influence. 

Power, Responsibility, & Influence : An Artist’s Arsenal

These three words are at times thrown flippantly about. People covet them. People fake them. People abuse them. However, when people truly find out what they mean; the full weight of the burden they can be comes crashing down on them…. and then, ladies and gentlemen, does the real test begin. What you do after… Continue reading Power, Responsibility, & Influence : An Artist’s Arsenal